11 research outputs found

    An Efficient Construction of Yao-Graph in Data-Distributed Settings

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    A sparse graph that preserves an approximation of the shortest paths between all pairs of points in a plane is called a geometric spanner. Using range trees of sublinear size, we design an algorithm in massively parallel computation (MPC) model for constructing a geometric spanner known as Yao-graph. This improves the total time and the total memory of existing algorithms for geometric spanners from subquadratic to near-linear

    A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Data-Distributed Metric k-Center

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    In a metric space, a set of point sets of roughly the same size and an integer k1k\geq 1 are given as the input and the goal of data-distributed kk-center is to find a subset of size kk of the input points as the set of centers to minimize the maximum distance from the input points to their closest centers. Metric kk-center is known to be NP-hard which carries to the data-distributed setting. We give a 22-approximation algorithm of kk-center for sublinear kk in the data-distributed setting, which is tight. This algorithm works in several models, including the massively parallel computation model (MPC)

    Massively-Parallel Heat Map Sorting and Applications To Explainable Clustering

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    Given a set of points labeled with kk labels, we introduce the heat map sorting problem as reordering and merging the points and dimensions while preserving the clusters (labels). A cluster is preserved if it remains connected, i.e., if it is not split into several clusters and no two clusters are merged. We prove the problem is NP-hard and we give a fixed-parameter algorithm with a constant number of rounds in the massively parallel computation model, where each machine has a sublinear memory and the total memory of the machines is linear. We give an approximation algorithm for a NP-hard special case of the problem. We empirically compare our algorithm with k-means and density-based clustering (DBSCAN) using a dimensionality reduction via locality-sensitive hashing on several directed and undirected graphs of email and computer networks

    A Massively Parallel Dynamic Programming for Approximate Rectangle Escape Problem

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    Sublinear time complexity is required by the massively parallel computation (MPC) model. Breaking dynamic programs into a set of sparse dynamic programs that can be divided, solved, and merged in sublinear time. The rectangle escape problem (REP) is defined as follows: For nn axis-aligned rectangles inside an axis-aligned bounding box BB, extend each rectangle in only one of the four directions: up, down, left, or right until it reaches BB and the density kk is minimized, where kk is the maximum number of extensions of rectangles to the boundary that pass through a point inside bounding box BB. REP is NP-hard for k>1k>1. If the rectangles are points of a grid (or unit squares of a grid), the problem is called the square escape problem (SEP) and it is still NP-hard. We give a 22-approximation algorithm for SEP with k2k\geq2 with time complexity O(n3/2k2)O(n^{3/2}k^2). This improves the time complexity of existing algorithms which are at least quadratic. Also, the approximation ratio of our algorithm for k3k\geq 3 is 3/23/2 which is tight. We also give a 88-approximation algorithm for REP with time complexity O(nlogn+nk)O(n\log n+nk) and give a MPC version of this algorithm for k=O(1)k=O(1) which is the first parallel algorithm for this problem